Sriramodantam — Day 10
Sloka in English for better understanding
Dooshayan Vaidikam karma dwijan ardhayathi sma saha I
Aatmajenanvitho yudhe vaasavam chapya peedayeth II
Meaning of the sloka
Dishonoring the Vedic rituals, Ravana oppressed the twice-born (another name for Brahmins.)
Accompanied by his son Meghanada *later named Indrajith, he defeated Devendra in battle.
Here Vaasava is synonym for Indra.
Story of how Meghanada was named Indrajith is in a different post to be published in a few days.
According to me, Indrajit was one of the legendary warriors of Puranas, few can rival him at his best. If ever there was a warrior who deserved the title Indrajit, that was Meghanada.
He got his name of Meghanada due to the terrific cry he let out when he was a baby, his cry was similar to the thunder from the clouds, hence the name Megahanada.
My primary source for meanings of the slokas is from the E-book published by
Om Namo Narayanaya