Sriramodantam — Day 11
Sloka in English for better understanding
Thathiya tharu ratnani punaranayya Kinkareyhi I
Sthapayithva tu Lankayamavasachha chiraya sa II
Meaning of the sloka
Fetching the wish- yielding trees (from Heaven) through his servants, Ravana planted them in Lanka and lived there for a long time.
Taru means tree in sanskrit.
Kalpa vriksha (Wish yielding trees)
Kalpa Vriksha also known as kalpataru, kalpadruma or kalpapādapa, is a wish-fulfilling divine tree in Hindu mythology. It is mentioned in Sanskrit literature from the earliest sources. Kalpavriksha emerged from the primal waters during the ocean churning process (Samudra Manthanam)along with Kamadhenu, the divine cow that bestows all needs.In Indra’s “Devaloka” it is said that there are five Kalpavrikshas, which are called Mandana, Parijata, Santana, Kalpavriksha and Harichandana, all of which fulfill various wishes.
My primary source for meanings of the slokas is from the E-book published by
Om Namo Narayanaya