Sriramodantam — Day 13

2 min readSep 18, 2020


Sloka in English for better understanding

Tadakarnya Suraissakam Prapya Dughdodathesthatam I

Thrishtava cha Hrishikesham Vidhatha Vividhei Sthavei II

Meaning of the sloka

Having heard their woes, Brahma went with devas to the shores of the ocean of milk, propitiated Vishnu by various hymns.

We will have a small background of the creator Lord Brahma and his role in the universe

Lord Brahma is actually believed to reside in Brahmalok (Satyalok) where he lives with his consort goddess Brahmani or goddess Saraswati. He with his four heads has created four Vedas and his first creation was the four kumaras- Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanata who refused to lead the creation as they were completely engrossed in Lord Vishnu and became celibates.

Lord Brahma

His life span is that of 100 ‘Brahma-years’ which is much more when compared with our 100 years.

The life span of Lord Brahma is 100 ‘Brahma-Years’. One day in the life of Brahma is called a Kalpa or 4.32 billion years. Every Kalpa creates 14 Manus (Manu is first male human created by Brahma on earth whose wife Satrupa is first female to give birth to humans on earth. (The story of Adam & Eve would have been inspired from Manu and Satrupa of Hindu Mythology). This world would have 4 yugas -Satyuga(golden age), Trethayuga(silver age), Dwaparayuga(bronze age), and Kaliyuga(iron age). At the end of it, at the end of Brahma’s life span, the destruction by Lord Shiva takes place after which Lord Vishnu again rests and Brahma gets dissolved in him.

My primary source for meanings of the slokas is from the E-book published by

Om Namo Narayanaya

My primary source for meanings of the slokas is from the E-book published by

Om Namo Narayanaya



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