Sriramodantam- Day 3

2 min readMay 12, 2020


Sloka 3

Meaning of the Sloka

By their severe penance, they made Brahma appear before them and asked for desired boons from Brahma who is affectionate towards his devotees.

Anyone who sees the sloka will be first noticing the long word in the second verse ‘Varanishtanasmadashrithavathsalath’. It is a very clever usage of ‘Sandhi’. It can be simplified to Varanishtan + Asmad+ Ashrithavathsalath for easier understanding. For beginners or people trying to learn chanting slokas, understanding Sandhi is the most important thing as usage of Sandhi can create a lot of tongue twisters and hard to pronounce words. Poet Kalidasa is said to be a master of creating such words and use them cleverly in verses.

For a basic understanding, visit

It is said that out of the Trimurthis (i.e Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara or Shiva), it is easier to please the creator Brahma than the other two. So all three brothers Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Vibheeshana did penance and made Brahma appear in front of them.

Ravana doing Tapasya Illustration

My primary source for sloka and meanings is from the E-book published by

Om Namo Naryanaya



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