Sriramodantam — Day 9
Sloka in English for better understanding
Rasaam Rasathalam chyva vijithya sa thu Ravana I
Lokaam akramayan sarvaan jahara cha vilasinihi II
Meaning of the sloka
Ravana conquered the earth and Rasatala, tormented all the worlds and carried away the beautiful women.
This sloka shows the two sides of Ravana, as the King and conqueror of the worlds and as a person who is attracted to beautiful women which eventually becomes the reason for his demise.
There is a saying in my native language which goes like this:-
Kanakam moolam, kamini moolam kalaham palavidham ulakil sulabham
which means the causes for fights are mainly money and women. Even the great epic Illiad by Homer is based on the fight for a woman, Helen the beauty.
My primary source for meanings of the slokas is from the E-book published by
Om Namo Narayanaya